Suka bgt game kompie.. Aplagi yg gameplay nya kren, trus jlan crita nya menarik... Offline atw pun Online, trserah... Yg penting SERU... Game yg paling gw suka saat ni yaitu COMMAND And CONQUER... Game Strategy yang kerenn bgt... Dri jaman ke jaman emg keren.. Walau pun gk prnah maen yg seri awal-awal...
Di game ini kita brmain sebagai Commander yg bntuk nya Computer... Game ini mnceritakan prtarungan antara GDI, NOD dan SCRIN... Di CNC (Command and Conquer) 3 yg rilis thun 2007, diceritain prtarungan antara 3 race itu.. Yg menang adalah GDI yg brhasil ngusir SCRIN trus ng.bunuh pmpinan NOD yaitu Kane...
Di CNC 3: Kane's Wrath yg rilis thun 2008, di critain bhwa Kane tu masih idup.. Dan pke masker setengah muka untuk mnutupi luka di wajah nya.. Kane marah :-@ :-@ :-@ ,, dan balas dendam ke GDI... Di seri ini, tiap race ke bagi 3: 1 kubu asli, dan 2 kubu buatan.. Tiap kubu memiliki unit, building, vehicle yg khas,, walaupun kebanyakan sama dgn kubu asli...
Singkat crita Kane menang dan mendapat kan Tacitus yg bsa mmbuat nya menguasai dunia...
Versi trbaru Game ini yaitu CNC 4: Tiberian Twillight akn di rilis tgl 16 Maret 2010...

Blum tw gmna crita nya, tpi ada dikit yg ane contek dri kaskus ni:
The story of Command & Conquer 4 takes place after the events of the critically acclaimed Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars™. The year is 2062 and humanity is at the brink of extinction. With only six years left until the mysterious crystalline structure Tiberium renders the earth entirely uninhabitable, the two opposing factions - Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod - inevitably find themselves in desperation for the same cause: to stop Tiberium from extinguishing mankind. The unthinkable becomes reality and Nod's enigmatic leader Kane takes off for GDI headquarters. What is Kane planning in the heart of his enemies' base? Command & Conquer 4 draws the epic conclusion to the beloved Tiberium universe, where fans will learn the fate of Earth, Nod, Tiberium, GDI and most importantly, Kane's motivations behind his decade-long plan.Minimum Spec Requirements :
# Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista
# CPU: Any Intel Core Duo machine, AMD Athlon 3500+ or better
# RAM: 2 GB
# Disk Drive: 8X or faster DVD-ROM drive
# Hard Drive: at least 10 GB of free space
# Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 256 MB with Shader Model 3.0 support. NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or better, ATI Radeon HD 3850 or better
# Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
# Multiplayer: 2 to 10 players, network or Internet connection required (Cable, DSL, or faster connection
# Internet connection required at all times.
Unit nya keren2 lho.. Klo mw liat ...
Nah sgtu dulu post yg geje ini...
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